
Short selling !

Short selling is when you stock with the Goel of buying it back at the cheaper price later. Naked short selling remain illegal in india. What is the short selling.other owners stock market share honestly with immediater brocker for buy and sell in the future short selling. Don't have any share who working person in the short selling. This is the only intraday sucess. This is the short time short term anly quicly up dowun depand on this day.Now let us purchase a property than aproximatly growth market price further can be some amount profit.Share market with fixed price to be changed from aplly buy and sell doing increase price for better daily record chek 9.00 to 3.00 and short selling aplly to gain the profit but loss price time is the very sensetive and active. That experience is the also help this work Trading is the profit business but loss preiod very carefully. Stock market is the national stock exchange bombay stock exchange and nifty valu with daily base

Tradiing & derivatives !

Derivatives are assentially to contract derives to their value from underlying assets. What are forwerd futear and option. RBI signature valied in the stock market with price valu.three kindly token avalable in the stock market.First type token for one month second two month and third three months.Token price low and high imadiatly and buy and sell to be profit gain? Forwerd trading is the update and gived the fixed action price.futear trading is the our dream and as to be active with the time.option trading depand on the candle stick and graph direction.This is the business with loss but profit do it you

Intraday trading !

Momentum trding strategy reversal trading strategy with gape and go trading strategy its many tips according to improve efficiency for benefits.Intraday one day trading is important because one hour will be your startegy with up and down price. Intraday trading possiblity in the two way 1, liqudity (on the flexble mode) 2. Obilidity (on the price action mode)this is the must becouse buy with sell at list be doing profit. But buy then market bullish and sell than bearist.Now search pre open market session start time 9.00 to 9.15 between 8 and 12 minuts time is the important.National stock exchange open 9.00 to 3.30.nifty 1 minutes graph change calculate if be to bearist then the sell if be to bullish then the buy.Total 16 minuts is the very important with may be pefect.One minuts candle make bullish or bearist for best purchage be doing calculation graph direction candle stick.

Harami candlestick !

The harani candle stick pattern is a consider trends reversal pattern.How to signal bullish or bearish is pregnent womane based pattern.The formate two types candles first long bearish red as a mother and second bullish small green as a chield.This is gap up at the open buyer strong on the stock markets.First candle is the long bearish and second is small bullish to be candle stick.Now gap up the open can be buy but bullish to bearish candle will be up to closing is two tyeps can to be maked.Now gap up at the open point do buy with stop loss add below it is the must but coformation signal to bullish is uper than bearish candle.if long candle is bullish and small is bearish the selling can do it. Buy for bullish candles is the must and bearish candle to uper than important.Volume is the increase with decrease direction to be but profit can be gain.Intraday five fifteen and hours time frame covered with position trading daily weekly time frame covered to benefits achived. Prof...

Swing trading !

Swing training involved taking trade that'Last couple of days up to several months in order to profits from an anticipated price move that.Swing training is a type of trade that attempts to capture gain in the stocks or any instructions required. Taking position concept swing trading for stock market as an creative days.The stock market in the buy when builish sell when bearest. looking at strategy of swing trading as be diraction in graph shown. Graph line up and below direction run this is called swing trading.we are doing care and further find out point of view.This work good benefits achivement done from the site.a trader want to good trading purchage in the best amount with hope used price is to be benefited. The study to start time 15 minuts and candle stick red green defined with active price move.The market any step ecrossing thn the doing me to be possebility secure.

Candle sticks chart !

A candlestick chart is a type of price the display High low open and closing price of security the specific period and organised from good as Japanies. In the future together business marketing organised financial technical analysis a candlesticks pattern is a movment of price show in the graphical.Taking positions looking at strategy of candlesticks charting. What is the price action movement.Index is the fixed value of price of stocks or called sensex index.Indicater is the graph showing with in the net value.Red green candle strategy and chart in the graphic terms shown up and below.White line calculate to their result.We are loss and profit to be able first organization investments. we are does to the searching stock market for one day and achived a result at time.But gain a fixed profit used our experience and sucess depand on the knowldge.

Call option vs put option !

A call option give holder the right to buy a stock and a put opinions give the holder the right to sell a stock but multiple options for benefits to when stock price in growth. Stock Trading call option and put opinions think of the call option as a down payment of the future purchases.A call option is a contract that given option buyer undring asset of the specific prices.Call option basics call option strategy for beginners.example A and B two person for buy and sell with each done a contract to for called option. Agreement detail is the called call step 1,nifty market valu 2.premium 3.expiry option.let nifty price lebel fixed contract to A and B for to increas or decrese and one amount gived to premium and wait expiry date. if be stock price achived high lebal than the fixed lebal.It is benefit agreement another premium amount loss.It is the business stock share market. Show example; let premium RS 225 nifty 5000 if be increas at 7000 than benefit is 2225 but decreas doi...