Short selling !
Short selling is when you stock with the Goel of buying it back at the cheaper price later. Naked short selling remain illegal in india. What is the short selling.other owners stock market share honestly with immediater brocker for buy and sell in the future short selling. Don't have any share who working person in the short selling. This is the only intraday sucess. This is the short time short term anly quicly up dowun depand on this day.Now let us purchase a property than aproximatly growth market price further can be some amount profit.Share market with fixed price to be changed from aplly buy and sell doing increase price for better daily record chek 9.00 to 3.00 and short selling aplly to gain the profit but loss price time is the very sensetive and active. That experience is the also help this work Trading is the profit business but loss preiod very carefully.
Stock market is the national stock exchange bombay stock exchange and nifty valu with daily base