
Genral knowldge !

pi r squre r=radius it's do circular calculation.circumferance the part of circle mesaurment.projectyle one righid body thro in the space as it fall on the with an angle bellow.measurment distance velocity angle and time in space with time measurement. one glass water in ice flow convert to water what will be the leval.option 1,flow the water 2.constant 3.below. other knowledge amiba one cell glass milk what mean to give as energy at daily = force*power. Mole concept or molarity base or acid apply an reaction with molecular wt.

my best experieance !

(My best experience brings more change in my life) An experience change my Life.Many way to in the life other activities with a good create experience.One They have more original owner experience. Things that you have done in life as knowledge or skills that you get from seeing or doing something.The best experieance the work of experiment praticaly do it. THe childhood from any way achived with best ideas inspirational will be in future to be inspire! the work expert past time deserve.An interview repersant any qustion asked and answer are the best concept.We are one of them expert.Let us the as sport these field required to be secure.first merit list can should be quelify. Other with secure time assume the view of sucess work.Result course study experience make best and high lavel emplyoee. study after experieance is professional facts.

My home as a dream !

My house is the best way to in the future together village or town and city. We are all want to beautiful home in which lives with family.One gardens with house your needs and other necessary furniture.My house is the dream your childhood have fleeing connected as that's to needs can be a place before it is a your childhood home. Home has door window with earth sky stars sun moon and cloud with crops for itself between owners. we are want to business then land property and popular structur buield in the towun and can it stand for today with infrastructure industries. The heart of india lived in the villege.we are lived house but see to world very nearest because all work done the out site. First education second job third self employee and business. my goverment help any way House with income source as it is officealy right.

Eak loveya in Mahabharat !

When defrences between the kaurav and the pandub.The defence challenge between in the kurukshetra war.Samrat pandu putra Arjun in direction of drronacharaya from sanik education achived with his brother.eak loveya lived in the forest and all konwldge see to learning accepted with very intelegent.but guru dachhina in gift thumb cut out them request him on.karn was very inteligent veer and strong. the student of parshuram.ganga river flow for all of unique nature to the on earth.we are want to any achivment.the world have some thigs adventure. the story is motivated for educational students.

Don't gives your past the power to define future !!

(Your past the power to define future possible to make present secure) Effectively don't Reflective essay my past future and present life introduction.When I was growing up.I remember with my family. My future plans will be on-line presentation. My name is the ABC. I am student of college ABC. I am 19 year old.I am student first year of study. I have a lot plan for future.The shocking reality we are study to improve exam show on final results achived reached ago in the best futuer. Insight ideas inspiration Impration focus and startegy at least that improved here to aren't haven't anyone intensity. We are doing some things maked to be story script telling us to gived final workend results as it's is the very importent. By Lord krishana were give the gita updesh in the kuruchhetra. The india first pesident Dr.Rajendr parsad in study were example all of them. Shubas chandr bosh was example the complete first IAS Comption in london. Social mediea marketing manegment o...

Ramayan !

Ram Prince of Ayodhya goes to exile due to father promised.Later Ravan kidnap Sita Ram war against him self resources to return ayodhya on owned kings. Gayetri maantr becomes in the first later of balmikey ramayan in total thousend shloke. fourteen thousent shloke present.lakshaman line can it doesn't cross was lnka adhi pati ravan. Shiv dhanushh by ram was perfectly breaked after sound motion frequency goen to long distance aways. At time pershuram were come here with identify our to god vishnu. Janak nadeni sita after soyember to reached at with ram in ayodhya. At where sita her four sister with ram our berother together new happyness were bring for to public. Ram have two sons and Love her wife sita.Ram sita sons are love kush. Brother lakshaman Bharat and satrudhan the father dashrath mother koshaliya. Shri Rama and Bharat milap is important story.Ramrajeya ideal republic vart.Shri ram chandr jee gose to forest for 14 years.Maryada Ram purshotam is an all human ideal.Ram ravan ...

My story !

my name is Birendra kumar lived in india bihar patna. physics (Honours) in the S P M college magadh univercity is in bodh gaya.where mahatma budha achived unique knowldge as below the bodhi tree with bodh dharm for in the all word given fathers were farmer and his our in panchayeat mukhiya. vaart vummi have any great man was born in which lord shri ram and lord shri krishana ware more gretas.devi devta where aradhay pujnieay too. every contry for today turist becomes beautifull palace in india. story miss our friends. The nearest nalanda university old with new and my distic. Today start Blogging apps advertisment business digital affiliate marketing. Before time work in real estate business.